
Rules for vpl - 3.0


1) All teams will have to be present 15 minutes before the commencement of their match.

2) The toss for each match will take place 5 minutes before the match. The captain must give a list of players playing the match to the referee. All playing members must be present at the time of the toss. In case, any playing member is not present at the toss time, then he/she cannot play that match. The team will have to play with fewer players. In case of individual sports, if the player representing a particular team is not present at the time of the game, then the other team will win the match by forfeit.

3) The referees will be given the schedule for each sport. They will try and make sure that all the matches are completed within the stipulated time period. It would really help if all of us together also try and finish each match within the time frame.

4) In case there is a Tie in the final VPL points between any 2 teams, then the team with a greater number of Wins in all the sports combined will be declared the winner. In case this is also same, then a super over in cricket will be done to determine the winner.

5) In case, any team member plays more than 3 sports (2 in case of females), then the 4th sports points will not be counted and a penalty of 50 points will be deducted from the teams’ total points.

6) In case any member from a team does not play even 1 sport, then a penalty of 50 points shall be imposed on that particular team.

7) The Umpire decision will be final. Every Match will have a referee from the VPL Committee. Penalty of 50 points will be imposed in case any team member does not follow the decision of the Umpire / Referee or cause any kind of disturbance when a match is going on. In case any team feels adecision is wrong, then only the captain can discuss the same with the umpire/ match referee.

8) No team member other than the playing members will be allowed in the basketball court during Cricket / Badminton / Basketball matches. The nonplaying members / supporters would be assigned a zone from where they can support their team. Even during Carrom / TT / Chess matches all non-playing members/ supporters would be requested to stand at a particular zone, so that the players do not face any kind of disturbance. The captains of all the teams need to make sure that this is maintained.

9) We must ensure that the spirit and decorum of VPL is maintained throughout the tournament.


  1. Each team shall comprise of 8 playing members only + 2 Reserve Players.

  2. All matches will be of 8 overs only.

  3. 5 Bowlers to be used compulsorily. 1 Bowler can bowl max 2 overs only.

  4. Bowling Rules:

    • Bowler must bowl within the marked area only.

    • Over arm and taking steps to bowl not allowed.

    • Bowler must stand with both their legs parallel to each other.

    • Not following the above-mentioned will be declared as a NO BALL.

    • If the ball goes in 2 bounces it will be declared as a NO BALL.

  5. Scoring:

    • Off side & Leg side walls have bonus 2 runs.

    • Straight/front walls are boundaries where batsman can score 4 & 6 runs.

    • Behind the wicket has no bonus runs but if the ball travels to side wall it will be treated as bonus runs. Batsman can run between the wickets. If the ball goes in the balcony behind the wicket, it will be treated as Bonus 1 Run only.

    • The bonus runs are added with the runs scored by running between the wickets.

    • If the ball hits the front walls (zone 4 and 6) after hitting the side wall (2 run zone), then the batsman will get 2+4/6 as bonus runs. However, if the ball hits the 2-run zone after hitting the 4/6 run zone, then only 4/6 bonus runs shall be awarded.

    • Leg Bye runs are allowed.

    • Runs on byes are allowed.

    • Hitting the tree on the back of Basketball ring will be considered a 4/6.

    • Hitting the tree on the back of Basketball ring will be considered a 4/6.

    • Hitting the lights installed on the court directly is out.

    • If a batsman does not offer a shot and the ball hits the body, then they can’t score a run. However, the ball will be counted.

  6. Danger Zones:

    • Off, Leg and front walls will be having a marked line. If a batsman hits on those marked lines directly i.e., without a bounce, he/she will be declared OUT.

    • Hitting the ball out of the ground directly will be declared OUT.

    • Behind the wicket there is no danger zone.

  7. No LBW rules apply.

  8. Last Man batting not allowed.

  9. Not more than 3 fielders are allowed to field behind the bowling crease at any point of the game.

  10. Over throws that hit the bonus zones will get added to the runs taken. If it hits the front walls then only 4 runs will be awarded whether it hits on bounce or direct.

  11. A WIDE Ball and A NO Ball will be penalised with 1run. An additional ball is also to be bowled. All No balls lead to a FREE HIT. In Free Hit all danger zones are NOT OUT.

  12. Hitting on danger zones in a free hit will not be counted as bonus runs although runs can be taken by running between the wickets.

  13. Umpires’ decision in final on the field.

  14. Approximate time per match is 45 Mins.

  15. Team needs to be present at least 15 mins before the timing of their scheduled match.

  16. In case of tie in points in the Group stage, Team having Highest Net Run Rate goes to the next stage. In case of a tied match, super over will be the decider.

  17. Scoring will be done on Mobile App: CricHeroes. Requesting all team captains to get their players and team registered on the app.


  1. There shall be a toss by the Umpire at the commencement of each match. Then either pair, winning the toss, shall have the choice of side or the option to strike first. If the winner decides to have the choice of side, he shall communicate the same to the Umpire. The Team who Strikes will have to Pot White coins.

  2. Each coin carries 1 point. The red coin carries 5 points. At the end of the game, the team which takes all their coins first wins the match. The no. of coins left on the board will be the winning team’s score. Also, if the winning team takes the red coin, then 5 additional point shall be given to them.

  3. Each game will consist of 3 boards. The first strike shall be done alternatively between teams. At the end of 3 boards, the team with maximum points will win the game. If the points are tied, then the team which wins more boards will win the game.

  4. Each game will be of 2 points i.e., the winning team will get 2 points. At the end of the group matches, the team with more points will advance to the semis. In case of tie, the team with more net points will advance. Net points (points scored- points given). In case this is also a tie, then net games (games won – games lost) will be considered. In case this is also same, then the player who won between both the teams shall qualify.

  5. The Striker shall be struck and not pushed. Making a stroke, the elbow of the playing ‘hand’ shall not come within the playing surface nor shall extend beyond the imaginary lines of the arrow. The ‘hand’ may, however, cross the arrow.

  6. Red Coin is common and must be pot along with Cover coin.

  7. The player who completes pocketing all his Coins first wins the board. Potting Red is compulsory without which board will not be finished.

  8. Partners are not allowed to prompt their partners by word or any kind of body language. In case found so they will be penalized by bringing up 1 coin on the board. In case no coin is potted and foul is committed then the skip a chance.

  9. Umpire decision is final decision.

  10. Availing coins below the line is permitted (Under Arm Strike).

  11. Striker needs to touch both the lines while taking the shot and touching of side line is not permitted. However, the hand on the Board may cross the line.

  12. In Case the Coins go out of the board same will be placed in centre again.

  13. In case of a double foul with red coin, the red coin along with the coin of the team will come out onto the board. The team will then get another chance as usual.

  14. In case the red, white and black coin goes together when only these 3 coins are left, then it is a win for the player taking red. He/she will get 5 points.

  15. If a rule is not mentioned and a situation arises, then the umpire will take a call which will be final.


In doubles, the ball can only bounce on the right half portion of the table for the server.

The service alternates every two points between teams, but it also alternates between players on the same team.

Once your team has finished your two serves, you swap sides with your partner. The person you were serving to now serves and your partner is the new receiver.

Order of Play

Doubles matches have a certain order of play that must be followed.

  1. Imagine two teams … players A & B and players X & Y.

  2. Player A serves to player X who then returns the ball. Player B must then play the next shot and player Y the shot after.

  3. This pattern goes on (A, X, B, Y) until the point is decided.

  4. If the wrong player makes the return, the team loses the point.

Change of Service

At each change of service, the last receiver shall become the server and the partner of the previous server shall become the receiver. For example, a correct pattern would be:

  1. Player A has played his two serves to player X.

  2. Player X then plays his two serves to player B.

  3. Player B will then play his two serves to Player Y.

  4. player Y will play his two serves to Player A.

Service Rules

  1. The intention of the service rules is to give the receiver the ability to always see the ball in order to have a fair chance of reading the spin put on the ball by the server. In order to make this happen, there are several rules that are enforced during the serve, including:

  2. The ball must always be visible to the receiver throughout the serve – it must never be hidden.

  3. The ball must always be behind the endline of the table, and above the level of the playing surface.

  4. The ball must be thrown up near vertically at least 16cm (around the height of the net), and must be hit on the way down, not the way up.

  5. If the umpire is doubtful whether a serve is legal, he may warn the player. If any more of the player’s serves are of doubtful legality, the umpire will fault the player and award the point to his opponent.

  6. If a serve is clearly illegal, the umpire will fault the player and give the point to his opponent.

  7. If a player throws his racket to complete / reach the ball, and if the ball is still in play, then the game will continue, but the player cannot pick up his racket for the next shot.

Hitting the Ball

  1. It is legal to hit the ball with the fingers of your hand that is holding the racket, or even the racket hand below the wrist, provided that only one contact is made. Double hits are not allowed, so you may not hit the ball with the fingers of your racket hand, and then hit the ball with your racket.

  2. It is legal to switch the racket between hands during the point.

  3. If a player drops his racket, he must pick up the racket in order to hit the ball. The ball must be hit by a racket held in your racket hand, so if you drop the racket, you no longer have a racket hand.

All the games shall consist of 3 matches. Each match will be of 11 points. The team that wins 2 matches will win the game. There won’t be any 3rd match in case a team wins the first 2 matches.

Each game will be of 2 points i.e the winning team will get 2 points. At the end of the group matches, the team with more points will advance to the semis. In case of tie, the team with more net wins will advance. Net wins (No. of Wins – No. of Losses). In case this is a tie then the team with more net points will advance. Net points (points scored- points given). In case this is also a tie, then the team which won between the 2 teams on equal points will advance.



  1. A point is won by a player when the opponent cannot hit the ball with a racket over the net and onto the other side of the table.

  2. A game is won by being the first player to win 11 points, and be at least 2 points ahead of his or her opponent. If both players have won 10 points, then the first player to get a 2-point lead wins the game.

  3. A match is the best of 2 out of 3 games in the Men’s Singles and Women’s Singles events.

  4. The score begins at 0-0, and the server will serve first. Each player gets to serve for two points in a row, and then the other player has to serve.

  5. The server must serve the ball so that it touches his side of the table once, then bounces over or around the net, and then touches his opponent’s side of the table. A serve that touches the net assembly (the net, net posts, and net clamps) on the way, but still touches his side first and then the opponent’s side on the second bounce, is called a let serve (or just let) and must be replayed, with no change to the score. There is no limit on how many lets the server can serve in a row. The receiver will then attempt to return the ball over or around the net so that it bounces first on the server’s side of the table. If he cannot, the server wins the point. If he does, the server must hit the ball over or around the net so that it bounces first on his opponent’s side of the table. If the server cannot, the receiver wins the point. Play continues in this manner until either the server or the receiver cannot return the ball legally, in which case the other player wins the point.

  6. When a point is won, that player adds one to his score. If a score of 10-all is reached, both players will only serve 1 serve each until the game is won. The score is called out with the server’s score first.

Service Rules

  1. The intention of the service rules is to give the receiver the ability to always see theball in order to have a fair chance of reading the spin put on the ball by the server. Inorder to make this happen, there are several rules that are enforced during theserve, including:

    • The ball must always be visible to the receiver throughout the serve – it must never be hidden.

    • The ball must be always be behind the endline of the table, and above the level of the playing surface.

    • The ball must be thrown up near vertically at least 16cm (around the height of the net), and must be hit on the way down, not the way up.

    • If the umpire is doubtful whether a serve is legal, he may warn the player. If any more of the player’s serves are of doubtful legality, the umpire will fault the player and award the point to his opponent.

    • If a serve is clearly illegal, the umpire will fault the player and give the point to his opponent.

    • If a player throws his racket to complete / reach the ball , and if the ball is still in play, then the game will continue, but the player cannot pick up his racket for the next shot.

Hitting the Ball

  1. It is legal to hit the ball with the fingers of your hand that is holding the racket, or even the racket hand below the wrist, provided that only one contact is made. Double hits are not allowed, so you may not hit the ball with the fingers of your racket hand, and then hit the ball with your racket.

  2. It is legal to switch the racket between hands during the point.

All the games shall consist of 3 matches. Each match will be of 11 points. The team that wins 2 matches will win the game. There won’t be any 3rd match in case a team wins the first 2 matches.

Each game will be of 2 points i.e the winning team will get 2 points. At the end of the group matches, the team with more points will advance to the semis. In case of tie, the team with more net wins will advance. Net wins (No. of Wins – No. of Losses). In case this is a tie then the team with more net points will advance. Net points (points scored- points given). In case this is also a tie, then the team which won between the 2 teams on equal points will advance.


Sudden Death Format

The Below Rules are All as Prescribed and Played in International Tournaments


  1. 15 Minutes to Each Player on the Clock.

  2. Once a Player Moves, he needs to stop his clock and the other player’s clock automatically starts reducing in time.

  3. The Player can stop his clock with the same hand with which he is moving his pieces.

  4. If any of the players wants to call the referee, he needs to PAUSE the TIMER and then call the referee for any INTIMATION OF ILLEGAL MOVE.

At the Start of the Game.

  1. When the tournament referee announces that it is time to start the clocks, it is proper to first shake hands and then the player with the black pieces starts White’s clock.

  2. Black determines which side of the board the clock is on unless Black is late for the start of the game.

  3. If Black is late, White can setup the clock.

  4. At the Scheduled Game Time, If the player with the white pieces is not present, Black should start White’s clock.

  5. If the player with the black pieces is not present, White should start his or her own clock, make a move, and then start Black’s clock.

Conduct During the Game.

  1. During the game players should never discuss their game with anyone.

  2. Players are allowed to get up and walk around (e.g., to use the restroom or go out or get a drink of water).

  3. Do not do anything which disturbs the other player like tapping anywhere, making any noise, talking to anybody or asking for advice, etc.

Illegal Move

  1. If your opponent makes an illegal move, and starts your clock, you may stop the clock and call the referee to REPORT THE ILLEGAL MOVE.

  2. TWO ILLEGAL MOVES by a player confirmed by referee and the player is declared to have lost the game.

  3. Upon the 1st ILLEGAL MOVE reporting, the referee would restore the board position to before the illegal move.

Promoting a Pawn

If when one goes to promote a pawn to a piece and the desired piece is not available, the player may stop both clocks in order to borrow a piece from the referee and place it on the board.

Game is Won when

  1. Checkmate in normal course

  2. Resignation by the opponent

  3. Opponent Runs out of Time (Timer Reaches 0:0)

Game is Drawn when

  1. Stalemate — the game is drawn when a player cannot make any legal moves and yet is not in check.

  2. Agreement — the game is drawn when both players agree to a draw. The proper procedure for offering a draw is, (a) immediate after making one’s move on the board, (b) say: “I offer a draw,” and only after making one’s move and announcing “I offer a draw,” (c) press the button on one’s clock so as to start your opponent’s clock. After a draw has been offered, one’s opponent has the option of accepting anytime before his or her next move. One rejects a draw offer simply by playing one’s next move. To accept a draw which has been offered, one may stop the clocks and shake hands, thus signifying the acceptance of the draw offer.

  3. Insufficient material to continue — the game is drawn when one of the
    • king versus king;

    • king versus king with bishop or knight;

    • king and bishop versus king and bishop (when both bishops are on squares of the same color); or

    • any position where there are no longer any moves that could lead to any player being checkmated.

  4. Draw declared by referee — on rare occasions the referee may declare a game drawn.


  1. There are Two Groups A and B for the Tournament.

  2. One Player from each team plays the game.

  3. There are 5 Teams in each group, already declared.

  4. Each Player of a Group plays with every other player of that group. So, Each Player gets 4 games in the League Stage.

  5. Each Player Plays 2 Games with White Pieces and 2 Games with Black Pieces. This is important to break Ties as Winning with Black would be Advantageous.

  6. For Each Win, a Player gets 2 Points.

  7. Incase of a Draw, the Players Split Points, i.e. Each Player gets 1 Point.

  8. The Two Players with Maximum Points Qualify for the Semi-Finals.

  9. Incase of a Tie, the Tie needs to be broken as per the Tie-Breaker Rules as given below and in that order.


If there is a Tie between multiple players to decide the two players qualifying for the semi-finals, it would be broken using the tie-break points as calculated below:

  1. Each Player’s Tie-Break Points is calculated by Adding the Final Points of the Opponents whom he/she has beaten and by adding Half (x0.5) of the final points of the Opponents with whom he/she has drawn. So, If you score a win against player A and he has a total of 5 points you get 5 tie break points. If you win against player B and she has a total of 3.5 points then you get 3.5 tie break points. If you draw against player C with 5 points you get 2.5 tie break points. So, the Tie-Break Points for each player is calculated for all the 4 games and the player with wins this Tie-Break Points proceeds to Semi-finals.

  2. If after point 34 above also, tie between 2 or more players remain, the player with greater number of wins with black pieces, not counting forfeits, proceeds.

  3. If after Point 34 and 35, two-way tie remains, a 3min each Blitz Game would be played.

  4. If after 34, 35, 36, two-way tie remains, Toss is used to decide the winner of Tie-Break to proceed to Semi-Finals.

Semi-Finals / Finals

  1. The Champion of Group A would play the Runners Up of Group B in Semi Final 1

  2. The Champion of Group B would play the Runners Up of Group A in Semi Final 2

  3. The winner of the Semi Finals would play the final

  4. If any of the game is drawn as per the drawn rules (Rule 21 to 24), a Blitz Game of 3 Min (total 6 minutes game) would be played to decide the winner.

  5. If the blitz game doesn’t throw up a winner, the Player with the Maximum TieBreak Points in League Stage is declared the winner.

  6. If point 42 doesn’t yield a result, the game is decided by Toss.


So that each Player Plays Twice with WHITE and Twice with BLACK

Group A

A1 (W)-A2 (B)

A1 (W)-A3 (B)

A1 (B) -A4 (W)

A1 (B) -A5 (W)

A2 (W)-A3 (B)

A2 (W)-A4 (B)

A2 (B) -A5 (W)

A3 (W)-A4 (B)

A3 (W)-A5 (B)

A4 (W)-A5 (B)

Group B

B1 (W)-B2 (B)

B1 (W)-B3 (B)

B1 (B) -B4 (W)

B1 (B) -B5 (W)

B2 (W)-B3 (B)

B2 (W)-B4 (B)

B2 (B) -B5 (W)

B3 (W)-B4 (B)

B3 (W)-B5 (B)

B4 (W)-B5 (B)



  1. Before starting the game, the opponents toss a coin with the winner choosing:

    • to serve first/to receive first, or

    •  the side

  2. In subsequent games, the winning side serves first.


  1. A Male match consists of the best of 3 games of 11 points (games cap at 20 points). A Female match will consist of 1 game of 15 points (games cap at 25 points).

  2. Every time there is a serve – there is a point scored.

    • A rally is won when a shuttle is hit over the net and onto the floor of the opponent’s court. b. A rally is lost if the shuttle is hit into the net, or over the net but outside of the opponent’s court. A rally is also lost if the shuttle touches the player’s clothing or body, or if it is hit before it crosses over the net.

  3. The side winning a rally adds a point to its score.

  4. At 10 all, the side which gains a 2-point lead first, wins that game.

  5. At 20 all, the side scoring the 21st point, wins that game. In case of Females, the side scoring the 25th point wins the game.

  6. The side winning a game serves first in the next game.


  1. A 2-minute interval between each game is allowed.

  2. Teams switch sides at the end of each game.

  3. In the Females game, the sides will be changed after a team has scored 8 points.

  4. In Males, the sides will be changed after 5 points are scored in the final set.


  1. The first serve of the game is always made from the right side of the court to the opposite diagonal side. Only the player standing in the proper service court may return the serve.

  2. The server must obey laws designed to force underhand delivery of the serve, andthe receiver must stand still until the service is struck.

  3. Following the serve, players may move anywhere on their side of the net.

  4. The order of server depends on the score odd or even.

  5. The service courts are changed by the servicing side only when a point is scored. In all other cases, the players continue to stay in their respective service court from where they played previous rally. This shall guarantee alternate server.

  6. A player continues to serve (alternating service courts) as long as the team scores points.

  7. When the score is even, the server serves from the right service court. When it is odd, the server serves from the left court.

  8. If the serving side wins a rally, the serving side scores a point and the same server serves again from the alternate service court.

  9. If the receiving side wins a rally, the receiving side scores a point. The receiving side becomes the new serving side.

  10. The players do not change their respective service courts until they win a point while their side is serving.

  11. If the server completely misses the shuttle on the serve the server may re-serve.

  12. A serve may not be delivered until the receiver is ready. If the receiver attempts to return the serve, the receiver is to have been considered ready.

  13. During the serve, it is a fault if:

    • The shuttle is contacted above the server’s waist or the racket head is above any part of the hand.

    • The shuttle does not fall into the diagonally opposite service court.

    • Some part of both feet of the server and receiver are not in contact with the appropriate court until the shuttle is contacted by the server. Touching a line with the foot is considered out of the court.


  1. A shuttle falling on the line is good. Use outside lines all the way around, except forserves where you use the shorter back lines.

  2. A shuttle which touches and passes over the net is in play (including the serve)

  3. Faults Include:

    • The shuttle fails to pass over the net or lands outside the boundary line.

    • The shuttle contacts the walls, ceiling, player or player’s clothes.

    • The shuttle passes through or under the net.

    • The player touches the net.

    • The player reaches across the net to contact the shuttle.

    • The shuttle is hit more than once or comes to rest or is momentarily caught on the racquet and thrown.

    • The player obstructs an opponent or invades the opponent’s court.

    • A player is hit by the shuttle whether the player is standing inside or outside the court boundaries.

    • It is illegal for a player to hold up his/her racquet to block a return at the net. However, he/she may hold it up to protect his/her face or if he/she is returning it from within the appropriate receiving court.

  4. Any accidental hindrance is considered a “let” and there will be a re-serve. For example, a player or shuttle from another game entering the court.

All the games shall consist of 3 matches. Each match will be of 11 points. The team that wins 2 matches will win the game. There won’t be any 3rd match in case a team wins the first 2 matches.

Each game will be of 2 points i.e the winning team will get 2 points. At the end of the group matches, the team with more points will advance to the semis. In case of tie, the team with more net wins will advance. Net wins (No. of Wins – No. of Losses). In case this is a tie then the team with more net points will advance. Net points (points scored- points given). In case this is also a tie, then the team which won between the 2 teams on equal points will advance.


  1. Each team will comprise of 4 player + 1 reserve players

  2. All basket will be awarded 2 points. There are no 3 pointers. In case of a foul inside the D box, then 2 throw ins are given consisting of 1 point each.

  3. The team that wins the toss will take the ball out first.

  4. The games will be of 15 mins with 3 quarters of 5 mins each.

  5. The team that scores maximum points at the end of 15 mins wins the match. In case of a tie, 5 throw ins will be done by each team. All team members will have to throw from the centre line. The team that baskets the ball maximum times wins. The throw in will continue till a team score more.

  6. Each game will be of 2 points i.e the winning team will get 2 points. At the end of the group matches, the team with more points will advance to the semis. In case of tie, the team with more net points will advance. Net points (points scored- points given). In case this is also a tie, then the team which won between the 2 teams on equal points will advance.

  7. The game begins on the centre court by taking the ball out from the centreline by just passing.

  8. Basketball rules such as double dribbling and travelling is not allowed.

  9. Whenever the basketball goes out of bounds, a foul is called.

  10. The team that scored against becomes the offence and takes the ball out.

  11. If the non-shooting team gets the bounce back, the ball must be returned to the 3-point area.

  12. It is legal to take the ball out of the hands without any personal contact.

Fouls in Basketball Court

  1. Blocking an individual foul with personal contact.

  2. Hacking, the player hits the arm of the person holding the ball.

  3. Holding, the player holds the person.

Violation in Basketball Court

  1. Travelling, an illegal method to progress the ball.

  2. Double Dribble is when a player continues to dribble after grasping the ball.

  3. Out of Bounds, is when a person touches the floor.

  4. Five Seconds Violation is when a player has 5 seconds to throw the ball after holding the ball.

  5. Nails will be checked before every match. Any player having long nails will be disqualified from playing that match.


  1. It is compulsory for all players to wear proper non marking shoes only.

  2. Each game will consist of 3 sets of 11 points each.

  3. The points can be scored on service and even while picking the service.

  4. The player winning the toss will decide whether he wants to serve or receive the service.

  5. You must hit the ball with your racket within the boundaries on the back wall.

  6. The ball can hit the side wall at any time as long as at some point it hits the back wall.

  7. A let is called when a player accidently gets in their opponent’s way and is unable to get out the way.

  8. A foul is called if the player purposely tries to get in the way of their opponent.

  9. If a game gets to 10-10 then a player must win by two clear points to win that game.

  10. You cannot hit the ball twice and you cannot carry the ball.

  11. When serving one foot must be within the service box.

  12. All the games shall consist of 3 matches. Each match will be of 11 points. The team that wins 2 matches will win the game. There won’t be any 3rd match in case a team wins the first 2 matches.

  13. Each game will be of 2 points i.e the winning team will get 2 points. At the end of the group matches, the team with more points will advance to the semis. In case of tie, the team with more net wins will advance. Net wins (No. of Wins – No. of Losses). In case this is a tie then the team with more net points will advance. Net points (points scored- points given). In case this is also a tie, then the team which won between the 2 teams on equal points will advance.


  1. A snooker match will consist of 3 games.

  2. A coin toss decides who will start the first frame and the players take it in turns to make the break afterwards.

  3. Players must have at least some parts of one foot on the ground when they are playing a shot.

  4. The break gets made with the cue-ball from inside the D area and you must strike a red ball from the break.

  5. There are 10 reds positioned on the table at the beginning of each frame. The red ball value is one point for potting any of the reds.

  6. All balls must be stationary before playing your next shot. The cue ball must strike the nominated ball first (exceptions apply for the red balls).

  7. The red balls are not replaced after they get potted. But the coloured balls are re-spotted until all the reds are gone.

  8. The spot on which a colour ball would usually get replaced can get taken up by another ball. In this case the colour ball gets placed on the next highest available spot.

  9. Sometimes all the spots can get occupied. So, the colour ball gets placed as close to its spot as possible. That is between that spot and the top cushion. But, the ball must not be touching any other balls after placing it on the table.

  10. If the cue-ball is touching another ball the referee will call the ruling for ‘touching ball‘. In this case the player must play away from that ball.

  11. It is a snooker foul if that ball moves. But, where the player nominates that ball they can play away. It would get classed as already having made contact with that ball.

  12. Snooker foul rules (between four and 7 snooker ball points) can get called for:

    • Failing to hit a nominated ball or not hitting any ball whatsoever.

    • Touching any ball with any part of your body or any ball other than the white with your cue.

    • Potting the white ball.

    • Hitting a ball off the table or performing a jump shot (leaves the table and clears another ball).

  13. A ‘miss‘ is worth at least four points for the opponent and they can choose to make the player play again the shot. Once the opponent asks for a play again shot, then they cant change their mind.

Scoring and Potting Order in Snooker Rules

  1. Potting a red ball earns one point and then the player must nominate a colour for their next shot. The black ball is the most valuable (decreasing in value to the yellow ball – worth two points).

  2. Snooker potting order means that the coloured balls are re-spotted. But the red balls are not. So, the player reverts to a red and alternates red, then colour until all the reds get potted.

  3. Afterwards the remaining six colours are then potted in ascending points order (finishing with the black ball).

  4. A player continues until he misses a ball or commits a foul, as players alternate turns.

  5. Committing snooker fouls means your opponent gets awarded a minimum of four points. Fouling on a coloured ball means those higher point values get awarded.

  6. A ‘snooker ‘occurs when the balls are so placed that the player cannot directly hit the next legal ball. The hope is to force a foul and earn four points.

  7. If a player thinks they cannot win, even by forcing snookers, they concede the frame.

All the games shall consist of 3 matches. Each match will be of 11 points. The team that wins 2 matches will win the game. There won’t be any 3rd match in case a team wins the first 2 matches.

Each game will be of 2 points i.e the winning team will get 2 points. At the end of the group matches, the team with more points will advance to the semis. In case of tie, the team with more net wins will advance. Net wins (No. of Wins – No. of Losses). In case this is a tie then the team with more net points will advance. Net points (points scored- points given). In case this is also a tie, then the team which won between the 2 teams on equal points will advance.